Among GEAR UP Jefferson County (GU-JC)’s many goals is to increase academic performance, the rate of high school graduation, and participation in post-secondary education for GEAR UP students. They knew students needed and wanted more support to achieve these goals.

In order to scale mentoring, GU-JC partnered with the Student Success Agency to provide students with peer mentors — accessible anywhere, anytime through secure text messaging.

Student Success Agency support includes everything from connecting students with job shadowing opportunities, internships, and even helping them find after-school jobs in addition to providing academic and social-emotional support.

Interested in learning more? Connect with Student Success Agency at the NCCEP/GEAR UP Conference

And don’t miss the sessions with Student Success Agency team members:

Monday, July 17 2:15–3:30 p.m.
GEAR UP “Rookies” Survivor’s Guide: How to Transform Student Needs and Challenges into WINS!

Tuesday, July 18 10:45 a.m.–12:00 p.m.
Finding More Time! Creative & Innovative Ways to Engage Students with GEAR UP Services

Let’s Connect at the NCCEP/GEAR UP Conference!

We’d love the opportunity to learn more about your GEAR UP program goals and share how Student Success Agency can help you scale up mentoring and support for your students.

Schedule a Time to Meet!

Be sure to also stop by our exhibit booth, and look for our team members speaking at sessions throughout the conference.

See you in San Francisco!